
Friday, January 15, 2010

On The Pac

First blog post... Minus the exclamation points and overexaggeration and shit. This'll basically be all about our Clique, "PAC". Consisting of: Justin, Rian, Spiff, Perren, Gevonte', Jasper, Green and 'I'... I suppose would be the right way to put that.
It's basically going to be about

Our Whereabouts



Parties (Hopefully Soon)


Fashion [alot of creepy shit]


Videos and other shit like that.

So ehhh, Coming soon. All of that bullshit,
Until then
Fuck you, I love you.

First Blog Post... On The PAC.

1 comment:

  1. ....yo just stopping by 2 say this is a decent blog bro''s good 2 c black bro's come 2 an agreement and make a pac(brotherhood)...keep ya heads up and yall got my back if ya need some ish done....i got the sources 2 get yall some parties and even some entertainment...k.i.t.

    -Lewis M-Audio
